Legend of Aeon

Friday, August 10, 2012

Vampire War Strategy, Help, and Tips

Want to be involved in creating a mobile phone game? Check out my other blog here

Tips and Help:

1.Whatever level your haven is, is the level you are. Make sure you do not level up too fast.

2. Research your abilities until they equal your level.

3. Join a Ally!!! Joining gives you great benefits. Try joining Arctus

4. Join Jyhad whenever possible. Even if you don't fight in it you can get prestige and influence. You can then trade the influence for great items or heroes.

5.  Going through the Mystic Portal leads you to a room full of coffins. Occupying a coffin gives you a good amount of blood per hour.

Want to be involved in creating a mobile phone game? Check out my other blog here