Legend of Aeon

Monday, October 29, 2012

Clash of Clans Building Strategy- Offensive Layout

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Offensive Layout  

This post is for players that want to earn loads of trophies, and to crush enemies. The real key for offensive player is not the layout of the town, you will learn why later in the post, but what you upgrade.

Two drawbacks of this layout/playing style are: 1. your defense will be relatively weak and will not be able to defend effectively. Of course this barely matters because you can quickly earn those lost trophies back. 2.You need to be a very active player for this to be effective. If you do not go on for a while, over time your trophies will diminish because your defense is so weak. This is the complete opposite for a defensive player/layout, where you gain trophies by waiting for players to attack you.

How to do this? If you haven't checked out the Basic Layout Building guide, go check it out as it will help get you going with a good foundation. From there you can customize the layout to fit your style of play: defensive, offensive or a little of both.

Intro: As an offensive player it is good to know how important each item is. I will list the items from most important to least: 1.Town Hall(this should be the most important for every type of player), 2.Army Camp, 3.Barracks(important in upgrading, does not need to be heavily defended), 4. Elixir Storage, 5. Elixir Collector, 6.Defensive Weapons, 7.Walls, 8.Other Buildings. This is important for knowing what to upgrade and where to place buildings.

As an offensive player your town will usually be beaten completely(enemy will get 3 stars), so the layout doesn't matter too much (remembers this doesn't matter to much because you can earn back those trophies easily. Also if your town has been completely beaten, enemies cant attack for between 12-16 hours). You just want to have the town hall in the center and have your army camp and elixir collector and elixir storage near/surrounding the center too. The other buildings are the least important so make sure you do NOT have walls surrounding them. You can place the weapons interspersed between army camps/elixir buildings or you can have the weapons surrounding the army camps/elixir buildings. For the walls, just make sure you have walls around the town hall. You can really just put the rest of the walls where you want (do NOT have them protecting the extra buildings).

Upgrading is the real key in an offensive strategy/layout.
First-Elixir: Elixirs are very important, as all the important buildings for an offensive player are upgraded using elixir. You want as many elixir storage and collectors as the game lets you build. You also want to upgrade the elixir collectors to level 10 and have at least one storage to the highest possible level for you current town hall level.
Second-Barracks: Barracks are where you train troops and gain access to new units. They are very important in creating a diverse army that can penetrate many different kinds of defenses. You want to  build as many of these as you can and upgrade these 1st when you have enough elixir.
Third-Army Camps: These are where all your troops are kept once you train them in the barracks. Army camps are very important to a offensive player because their upgrade level effects your army size. They are also important: if an enemy attacks your army camp with troops in it, you will loose all/most of the troops in the camp. You want to upgrade these after your barracks have been upgraded, as they will effect what size army you can have.
Fourth-Laboratory: The Lab allows you to strengthen units even further and is very important in having a strong army. Work on upgrading the lab and researching units to the highest possible level once you have upgraded the army camps.
Fifth-Town Hall: Do not worry about upgrading the town hall until all the buildings mentioned above have been upgraded as far as possible.
Sixth-Gold Mines and Gold Storage: They become important when the cost of upgrading the town hall really increases. Once this happens, you should put them behind walls. You want to have as many gold mines as possible and all of them should be at level 6-8. Only upgrade a gold storage to match the amount of storage needed to upgrade the town hall.
Seventh-Other Buildings and Weapons: Other building are unimportant and should not be upgraded at all. Weapons should be upgraded very little and never be the highest level possible corresponding with the town hall level.
Eighth- Spell Factory: Only upgrade this so that the attack spell is available  Once you are a much higher level  (about 35-40) is when it is a good time to upgrade and get the other spells.

Extra Tips:
1. Try and keep you level as low as possible, but with high offensive buildings. This is important because you will have an edge against same level, lower level players that come up when searching to attack.
2. Stars in multiplayer:
   50% of town destroyed = 1 star
   Town hall destroyed = 1 star (also if the town hall is the first building that you destroy)
   100% = 1 star
   The order doesn't matter in obtaining stars

Want to be involved in creating a mobile phone MMORPG? Check out my other blog here


  1. Why cant I have a good defense and still be offensive?

    1. You can however you need to focus on building your offense or focus on building your defense before you do the other. It's very difficult to be an affective player if you're doing both at the same time because they will both be weak instead of one being strong

  2. good stuff.. but you can be both an offensive and defensive player by selecting your opponents carefully, focusing upgrades on the giant, barbarian, and goblin (because theyre cheap), and always improving your defensive towers... there really is never any need to give up trophies for anything
